This is really a Southern recipe!
From Puglia, a light dish, made with fresh sprouts and a hint of chili pepper...
Try to find the real ingredients: the shape of the pasta rally makes the difference in taste.
I have not yet learned how to make this pasta at home, I will keep you informed. In the meantime there are very good dried pastas you can buy, which is much, much easier!
I laike them cold as weel, mad might be a bright idea to prepare them in advance. Also you can rewarm them with a short sauteing in a pan.
1kg - 2 pds.Turnip greens
350 gr. dry orecchiette
extra virgin olive oil
4 anchovies
2 dried chilly peppers
3 cloves garlic

1) Wash the greens and cut them into pieces. Some prefer to use the leaves only, but if the stem is soft I like to eat it all.

4) Bring to the boil a large pan of water, salt it, and add the orecchette and let them cook for half of the time shown on the packaging. Then add the vegetable and let them cook together until the pasta is ready.
5) Take some water from the pan, pour it into the oil sauce, drain your pasta in a colander and pour it in the lange pan with the oil. Add fresh ground pepper and some more oil if needed and serve immedialety.