Just few ingredients, indeed, but they are great, with the afternoon tea or to garnish an ice cream.
Have a look at the ingredient: too easy. But delicious!
Ingredients for about 50 biscuits
100 grs. / 3.527 ounces flour
100 grs./ 3.527 ounces sugar
100 grs. / 3.527 ounces soft butter (unsalted)
1 egg white
How to:
1) Pre-heat your oven at 150° C / 300 F. Cover a oven (or two if you have) tray with non stick paper or silicone mat.
2) Mix well your butter to make a cream.

3) Add the sugar, mix well, then add the flower, keep mixing and last add the egg white, to obtain a thick mix.

4) Put part of the mix in cooking syringe or in a pastry bag with a large round ending.
5) Now create the biscuits, about 2 inches long, and lay them on the tray. Keep them well separated because while cooking they melt.
6) Put the biscuits in the oven and cook for about 10 minutes. You have to check on them continuously because they burn very fast. When the edges are golden, take the tray out of the oven and let them cool down before removing.
When completely cool you can put them in an air tight container - they will keep well for a week.
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