Tradition again for this Spring dish - torta pasqualina -, made with eggs and fresh sprouts. Easy to prepare and to carry with you during an Spring pic-nic, is a great Italian Easter classic!
Ingredients for 4 people
400 gr. /0.90 lb ready to use pastry
300 gr/0.68 lb ricotta
500 gr/ 1.1 lb fresh spinach
salt and pepper
6 eggs (4 hard boiled - 8 minutes - and 2 fresh) or 6 boiled quail eggs and two fresh hen's)
1 yolk - beated
100 gr./ 0.22 lb grated Parmigiano Reggiano
How to

Clean very well the spinach and quickly boil them in salted water; drain them well and chop them finely with a knife.

Pre-heat your oven at 190°/374F.

Brush the top of the pie with the beated egg and put the pie in a pre-heated oven for about 45 minutes.
Serve warm or at room temperature with a glass of dry white wine.
Happy Easter!

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