Salted and dried cod is traditional in many Italian regions, as it keeps well for months. It was an abundant source of proteins for poor people, above all during winter when food was scarce.
Nowadays it is less used because you should keep it in cold water for at least a couple of days, change the water often, so actually you have to plan to cook it well in advance to have it ready for dinner.
Luckily supermarkets help us and you can find it ready to cook, even if you miss part of the fun and of the smell...
OK I joke.
Whatever you decide, cod is a fantastic fish, and it is suitable for cooking in so many ways, and in my area it is a winter dish.
Ingredients for 4
450 gr/1 lb salted cod (or 600 gr. 1.5 lb desalted -soaked cod)650 gr. 1.5 lb potatoes
2 oz butter
1 onion
1 clove garlic
1 cup heavy cream
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper
4 tea spoons chopped parsley (to garnish)
Two days before use, de-salt your cod, changing the water at least a couple of times.
After soaking it properly, cut the fish into pieces and boil it until the flesh comes away easily from the bones.
Peel the fish from the skin.
In an other pan, boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them while they are still hot and let them cool down.
Cut them into slices. (Sorry no picture, but I am sure you can make it alone...)
In the meanwhile chop the onion and the garlic and saute them in hot butter with the bay leaf. Set aside.

Drain the cod, let it cool a little,
Remove the skin and bones and break into bits by hand.
6) Put the fish and the boiled potatoes in the pan with the saute onions, garlic and the bay leaf, season with salt and pepper and then pour in the cream.
Stir gently for a couple of minutes and serve hot with some chopped parsley.
Also, you can try it on a slice of toasted rustic bread!
I suggest a white wine, someone can suggest me which is the best match?
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